Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey (Week 4 Day 2 Activity 3)

👩Girl Power👧

Hi bloggers around the world🌎👈, today I am going to talk about Jessica Mauboy and Dame Kiri Te Kanawa. Jessica Mauboy is an Aboriginal Australian singer. Jessica Mauboy was the runner up in the 2006 Australian Idol (It is similar to American Idlo) and has gone on to record a number of very successful songs. On the other side, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa is a Māori opera singer from New Zealand. She became one of the best sopranos  in the world! Amazing! Right? That was just a quick fact about Jessica Mauboy and Dame Kiri Te Kanawa. Let me tell you some more facts about Jessica Mauboy and Dame Kiri Te Kanawa.

1.  Jessica Mauboy was originally afraid of showing her Aboriginal background

2. Dame Kiri Te Kanawa is one of New Zealand's finest musical exports: her recording of the Nuns' Chorus from the Strauss operetta Casanova was the country's first gold record! WOW!

3.  They are both role models

Those were some facts about Jessica Mauboy and Dame Kiri Te Kanawa. Did you know them? I didn't! Our task was to choose someone who is a role model. We have to tell what makes them a role model. We have to tell why they are a role model. So here is mine.

The role model I choose will be Maya Angelou because, Maya Angelou knew Dr King and helped organise the Cabaret For Freedom concert in 1960 to raise funds for his Southern Christian Leadership Conference.She was a major figure in the movement in her own right as well as a champion of women's rights and gender equality. Thats why I will choose her.

Thank you for watching

Bye Bye Bye😛

By Pao


  1. Hello Pao,
    How is your day going? Thank you for replying to my comments! I really liked this blog post! Let me elaborate on why I liked it. Firstly, you used a different font for the facts which made it look cool. Secondly, you gave the viewers a question to make the blog post more interesting. I feel like gender equality a very important thing. Now since it is modern days then people are more equal, but still not perfectly equal. Maybe next time you could add a bit more information about what she did. Overall, this is a phenomenal blog post! Keep up the astonishing work!


  2. Ola Vitaraag

    Thank you for this cheerful comment. Next time I will add a little more infortion of what I did. Thank you again Vitaraag.


  3. Ahiahi Mārie Pao,

    Well done on completing W2D4A2. You are on a roll and I am enjoying reading each and every one of your great blog posts!

    I really enjoy reading all the posts about this activity because it is about Role Models. I think it is so nice that you chose to write about Maya Angelou as your as your biggest role model. I have always known of her but I never knew a lot of the work she did, so I have learned something new today from your blog post.

    Did you know very much about Jessica Mauboy or Dame Kiri Te Kanawa before doing this activity?

    Ngā Mihi,


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