Saturday, 4 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey (Week 3 Day 5)

Ministry of Inspiration

Hi bloggers around the world🌏👈, today I am going to talk about Ministry of Inspiration. Ministry of Inspiration's aim is to get kids thinking creatively in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts, maths and society (Steams). The Ministry of Inspiration hosts many cool activities and events, including an Aquabot competition. Aquabots are underwater robots. (There are no facts, Sorry💧)

Our task was to watch a video about the Pasifika Aquabots competition. The students had to navigate their Aquabots around a swimming pool, collecting things and visiting different islands. We have to tell whether you would like to join an Underwater Robotics team at your school. So here is mine.

i would like to visit the Pasifika Aquabots competition at my school because, it looks like you get to control the robot with a string and then try to catch things in the pool. It looks very creative and fun! Thats why I would like to join the Pasifika Aquabots competition at my school😇😊.

Thank you for watching

Bye Bye Bye👀✌

By Pao


  1. Bula vi naka Pao,

    My name is Kueni. I am one of the blog commenters apart of thee Summer Learning Journey. I am working with Eliza in the Ako Hiko cluster which means I get the amazing opportunity of commenting on your blog posts this summer.

    Thank you for completing today's activity about the Pasifika Aquabots competition. I think that it is so cool that something like this exists, I had no idea about it until I opened your blog post this afternoon.

    Thank you for sharing about why you would want to join the Robotics team at your school. I think it is a really creative idea too, and if I knew this was something I definitely would have tried doing something like this growing up.

    If you got the chance to be in your school's robotics team, what would you pick as a cool name for your team?


    1. Hello Kueni

      Thank you for this phenomenal conmment😊. The nam for the team will be spick light. I dont know why but it seams like a cool name. Thank you for this excellent comment Kueni.

      -Pao :)


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