Hello everybody. Today I'm going to talk about pillow designs. Basically what we had to do is to make a design for a pillow, and that will make our pilow more beautiful. It was fun to do the pillow design because, we used our imagination and when we use our imagination, our mind will be full of ideas and we will make our pillow really pretty.
We could write a quote in our own language and in English! I wrote it in Spanish and in English. This is what I wrote in Spanish↠ Si no puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo. English translation↠if you can dream it, you can do it! Here are some pictures of some pillow designs!
Next term we are going to put our designs in a real pillow!
Thank you for watching
Bye Bye Bye❤
Hi Pao I very liked your Pillow Design it was cool and I cant beleive it is going to be on a real pillow next term!